Anyone who knows me knows that I am somewhat addicted to coffee. I think it's interesting because coffee truly is addictive (the INTERESTING thing about this is that coffee is an upper stimulant and it's legal. Marijuana is a downer stimulant and it's illegal. We humans allow with open widely open arms (and wallets) upper stimulants but not downers? hmm). I can be depressed and then go get a coffee, and I am happy. My friend Hailey and I do this often, we get coffee-hyper and happy after a morning of low-energy somewhat boring conversations. My sister texted me and said "I'm starting to feel excited and happy. It's the coffee slowly poisoning my sadness." after a morning of an overwhelming sense of purposelessness and frustration about life. I wonder sometimes if it is a sin, I don't think I'm being gluttonous (when I used to work at Starbucks, I would have 5 to 6 shots of espresso a day, which IS gluttonous and now I only do about 2, or the equivalent of that). I DO think I could be wiser with my money at times, when I'm feeling especially green.
There is a funny story I'd like to insert right here that may sound random, but I'm going stream of consciousness here. I was working in New Orleans at the Starbucks by my parents' home. There are a lot of VERY rich people in the area, and one particularly rich woman came in. She didn't take off her goggle sunglasses that consumed much of her emaciated face, and she ordered some huge very particular coffee drink. The order contained 7 or 8 titles. "Quad Venti half-nonfat, half-soy sugar free vanilla blah blah blah blah." No smile, no thank you, no hi, she simply needed her own coffee high. Well, a band named Bright Eyes, which is still kind of underground but kind of getting bigger, was playing through the speakers. The woman looked at me through her sunglasses, holding her huge coffee drink and demanded "Why are they on the speakers here? WHY ARE THEY SELLING OUT?!?! I can't believe this, WHY are they playing at STARBUCKS??" I was speechless, I literally could not believe the irony of it all as she stormed out. Talk about sellout.
Anyway, so the real point of this story is that Starbucks is dis-continuing the Almond Syrup. This is the only flavor I get in my coffee... It is my little treat, a moment of happiness in the midst of my day. It is delicious and scrumptious and I am going to try to buy as many bottles of almond syrup as I can before they're all gone. That's all, nothing deep. Well, nothing deeper than 12 ounces of espresso, milk, ice, and almond syrup.
16 years ago
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